miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011

A little friend - Texture Tuesday

For this little friend picture , I used 3 different textures from Kim :

Subtlyyours , JustCause and Sweettreat 

After this , I've runned an action from TBCP called Bordes Redondeados 


miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011

Valea Calugareasca

Cateva imagini surprinse la Festivalul vinului de la Valea Calugareasca ( Prahova ) , ce a avut loc in aceasta toamna .
Pastrama la gratar , carnaciorii si mustul au fost foarte bune  :)

miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011

Texture Tuesday - RED

This week theme for Texture Tueday is RED .
 Here I've used a photo from last year , tooked in Prague .
 I've run an action to add a little bit more snow , and then I've used an older texture from Kim , called
'' Greydayslate '' , witch I love very much , three times.
 At the end I've ajusted a little bit the levels , and that's it !  :) 

miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011

duminică, 2 octombrie 2011